Ancient Apocalypse Netflix: Why this is a must watch
Ancient Apocalypse is an eight episode documentary on Netflix, released this November. A search for unanswered questions. Questions that create intrigue in human existence, questions that warn us about the future, and questions about why the scientific community is highly resistant to new hypotheses that go against conventional thoughts.
This documentary highlights one individual, a journalist who has written numerous books such as ‘Fingerprints of the Gods’ , ‘America Before: The key to Earth’s lost civilization’. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but judging by the titles you can see that the writer has a reputation of not adhering to unresolved discoveries. The writer in question is Graham Hancock, he’s also the host of the documentary series.
When you go to Wikipedia and type in his name, you’ll hear adjectives thrown around like pseudoscientist, conspiracy theorist, lunatic etc. But it’s important for you to keep a sound and unbiased mind before you start watching, because the questions he raises are valid, you may disagree with how he chooses to answer those questions, but the evidence and the sheer magnitude of discoveries he puts forth is intriguing nonetheless. Also if you rely on Wikipedia to fact check what you see and hear, I suggest you change your overall approach to browsing information online.
Graham in all eight episodes visit different megalithic architectures. Conventional theory states that human civilization was established about 5000–6000 BC and before that humans were mostly hunter gatherers scattered around the globe. But Graham in his books heavily criticized the use of this conventional theory as gospel and not looking in further. Now he embarks on a journey to document these archaeological wonders and introduce the vast nature of human capabilities that predates conventional theories with proper evidence.
In the very first episode he introduces a megalithic structure that was built in the hills of Indonesia called Gunung Padang. While explaining the site, he mentions a myth that surrounds the structure, the myth of a great flood. A flood that wiped out most of the people living beneath the hill and those who survived retreated to the hills where it was safe. He recalls different cultures that have the same story such as Noah’s Ark in the Abrahamic Regions. All these seem great but this gives us the ultimate proof, the carbon dating of those stones predates 6000 BC, it goes back to 11,600 to 12,800 BC which “coincidentally” follows the exact timeline of the last ice age ending.
Throughout the series, the myths of different cultures and the recurring date of the carbon samples from different archaeological sites are shown to correlate. The status quo now admits that there is evidence of civilization that predates their given date, but still doesn’t accept the proposals of Hancock.
Graham displays the great cosmological accuracy of those structures which follow that alignment of the stars, such as the stone blocks in Gobekli Tepe in Turkey and the Pyramids in Mexico. Graham argues it is impossible for hunter gatherers just to one day group together and to build these massive structures that clearly rival any Egyptian mythology. Graham suspects there has to have been some form of massive mass extinction cataclysm which wiped out these civilizations.
“The conventional archaeologists are not interested in changing their narratives”- Graham repeats this almost in every episode.
In the last episode Graham teams up with Randall Carlson, an architect who have theorized way back in 2007 that there are considerable amount of proof that there have been comet impact dating back to the end of the last ice age in 12,800 BC which led to the end of the ice age, this theory is known as The younger dryas impact hypothesis. He put forth evidence located in North America which still bears geological evidence of water erosion and massive flooding. Graham Hancock believes that Randall’s hypothesis is the exact reason for all of those myths about the great flood in different separated cultures all over the world and this validates his findings of human civilization which dates back before the ice age.
All of Graham’s thoughts and hypotheses have strong evidence but still lack concrete proof. The archaeological community seems to not be interested and is seen not allowing Graham to enter a site in North America in Episode 6. Graham also explains the reasons for his Wikipedia and why the adjectives are used and can’t be edited. He points out the flows of the archaeological community of sticking to only their comfort zones, as they profit off their conventional thoughts in the form of university tenure and books.
Whatever side you feel are right, there’s no denying that Graham introduces proven evidence when it comes to carbon dating the megalithic structures from different parts of the world, this means human civilization most certainly predates 6000 BC. All the other connections he makes may be overreaching to you, or may seem somewhat convincing as it did to me. There’s no question this is a must watch if you’re like me, interested in history, human evolution and most importantly finding out the truth. This review is written giving you the bare minimum of information that doesn’t give out spoilers. So go and watch it, there are more tidbits that grabbed my attention but I left it out.